Thursday, April 5, 2012

TIE 2 response to questions.
Evelyn Ybarbo
Margo Garcia
Roszella Saenz
Story Board

TIE 2 Voice Thread

Everything for the voice thread worked really well. I didn't have any problems making this voice thread. The students also loved to record their voices. I showed the students what to do and gave them a visual to remember. The students were able to record their voices alone. The best part of the voice thread was the end product. The students were excited to hear themselves, along with seeing their illustrations.
If I could do this voice thread again I wouldn't include it with a lesson. I would use the voice thread as a lesson on its own.

1. What did you learn from my voice thread?

2. What are some new characteristics you learned from the students?

This is my TIE 1 lesson plan. This lesson plan includes Blooms Taxonomy and the Multiply Intelligence.